Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Look at me!!!

Yes, he is wearing underwear! He managed to stay dry the entire morning yesterday! The afternoon was a bit rough, however! But we are officially potty-training! He will be 3 in 10 days and both Matt and Sarah were mostly trained at that point. I know each kid is different, but he totally knows what he is doing and can do it if he chooses - he just mostly chooses not to! He is really funny, though as he announces to everyone that he is potty-training! He really likes his Cars underwear. Mater is his favorite! He was very sad when he had an accident and though Mater would be mad at him. I assured Mater would forgive him and would give him another chance! I am really hoping by May 2009 he will be completely trained (night and day) as we are planning a big trip with my mom and I would so love not to drag Pull-Ups with us!

The Curry's were moving into their new house today and I offered to watch their kids. They arrived around 1:00 pm and stayed the afternoon. The kids had a great time playing in their rooms, with the Wii and then in the pool! They are all fish. Daniel was so desperate to get in the "big pool"! He kept assuring me he was big and could go in with the big kids, but I made him wait until Daddy got home to watch him. "Sweet relief" when Daddy finally did arrive! See his big smile?!?! He is really getting good about swimming around in his tube and not depending on Daddy to carry/ hold him.

Reading Rocks was great yesterday! We had 22 kids out for the first day! We will get new kids each week as they remember and friends start bringing one another. The first day is always crazy as we try to figure out where kids need to start, but it went incredibly smooth! I think Carisa and Trish have done an amazing job building this program up and making it totally applicable to the kids in the neighborhood as well as challenging to staff kids who benefit from a better education (most of them are homeschooled) than Philly generally provides. It is fun to see the kids progressing in just the short time (5 weeks) they are with us. Please pray that this program would really help the kids in the neighborhood build the necessary reading skills to progress in their education. Carisa is also in the midst of developing a more personalized tutoring program to help some of our more "at risk" kids. These are kids we know could do better if someone were to just help them along in the process. Please pray that we would find the right kids and the right tutors for the program to start in the fall.

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