It has been FOREVER since I have posted a blog – mostly due to the fact that the fourth child has totally thrown me for a loop and keeps me on my toes – ALL DAY LONG! Homeschooling has been challenging as well – trying to keep a 9th grader, 7th grader and 1st grader all on task. The toddler isn’t a great help during homeschooling as he wants to be the center of attention 24/7! His cuteness is often distracting! But I was reminded this weekend that several people actually do read this blog and enjoy knowing what’s going on in our lives! So here is our latest update!
I stated that our last child keeps us on our toes – this week he proved that more than usual. Drew sleeps in a pack-n-play as there isn’t enough room in our house for a full size crib. He’s slept in it since birth and doesn’t know any different. A few weeks ago I awoke one morning to a sweet kiss from my baby. After enjoying the sweetness it dawned on me – how did he get in my bedroom? He had climbed out of the pack-n-play and came to seek me out! He didn’t make it a habit until about a week ago. Andy and I had been discussing that it was time to build a trundle bed so that we wouldn’t have any accidents. Well, apparently we didn’t follow through fast enough. Last Tuesday, February 28th, Drew decided to climb out of the pack-n-play – but landed arms first instead of feet. After hearing the bang and running to get him, he continued to cry – very unlike him! I gently pulled the arm of his sleeper up on his right arm and noticed a not so pleasant bend. Off to the emergency room at CHOP!
After eight hours – did I mention he broke it at night? – we were finally home with a little blue cast on his right arm.He’s been amazing! He is adjusting well to using his left arm for what he needs – eating, coloring, picking things up. The only problem we have run into is that he uses his right thumb for sucking. He has been particularly cranky the past couple of days and I believe it’s from lack of sleep as he can’t suck his thumb. He has an appointment Monday, March 5th, and I am hoping they might be able to put on a smaller cast. Right now it goes up to his armpit – I’m hoping for one that goes up to his elbow. Please pray for complete healing and that Drew will adjust to sleeping without sucking his thumb!
This is how I found my little guy after he had talked for more than two hours in his pack-n-play! Love that he fell asleep with a book in his hand!
1 comment:
Poor mommy and baby!!!! I am so sorry! Heal fast little guy!
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