Tuesday, July 15, 2008

He's Home

Tonight, while at pre-teens, I received a phone call that I needed to come and pick Matt up from camp. The counselors and all the staff had exhausted their list of things to do to calm a homesick child. It had gotten to the point where his counselors, Ben and Brook, were spending too much time with one child and neglecting the rest of the cabin. Therefore, I had to go and get him. I am, to say the least, a bit frustrated. Matt is the kind of kid that gets something in his head and obsesses over it until there is an outcome - good or bad. He had decided before going that he didn't want to be there. We asked him to think positively and to make the choice to have a good time, but he chose to dwell on the fact that he wasn't home. Please pray. Pray that we would handle this the way God would want us to. Pray that we will take the necessary steps to help Matt work through this horrible anxiety he is dealing with. Pray for Sarah as she is still at camp and wasn't told her brother was gone until after we left. Pray for me, that I would be compassionate and not angry towards Matt and we would all be taught the lessons we need to learn through all this.

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