Monday, October 1, 2007


I have come to the realization that I am unequipped for the job of parenting. I have known this fact for quite sometime, but it hit me squarely in the face today while dealing with Matt and Sarah. Instead of life getting easier, it continues to spiral downward. Attitudes were at there worst today - including mine. Matt has hit an age where he questions everything we tell him and flat out tells us no to requests made of him -- he's only TEN!!! I am not a fan of this behavior! Are we hitting a preteen stage early? Is this only the beginning? Is it going to get harder? (I surely hope not!) There are days I wonder why God has chosen to bless me, many times the most horrible mother in the world, with three beautiful children. It is in times like these that I have to remember God's providence. It was no accident that He gave me these particular children, placed them in my care. He knows my limitations, but still entrusted me with these children. So even though I am unequipped to parent these children - complete lack of wisdom - God is. Matt, Sarah, and Daniel are His kids. Please pray for Andy and I as we deal with Matt. We lack wisdom. Pray that we would love him and care for him and get to the root of his problem.

I am including a picture of Daniel tonight. It has grown quit chilly here and I decided it was time to put on the footy pj's on the baby. He was a riot! Matt and Sarah always fussed about the change in clothing - trying to pull things off, hating the feel of long sleeves and footy feet. Daniel rejoiced! He danced and laughed and celebrated! I am praying for that same kind of joy - despite the circumstances that fill my brain.

1 comment:

Carisa said...

I love you. You're in may prayers, as always. Daniel looks adorable!!!!